LGBTQ+ Support
What we do
At Swan Medical Group we strive to provide a supportive and safe environment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBTQ+) individuals, ensuring all our patients will feel confident to use our services in the knowledge that they will be treated fairly and without discrimination.
We believe in fairness, equality & we celebrate diversity.
We have a Health Inequalities GP Lead Dr Natalie Higham who is working towards ensuring our organisation is suitably trained at all levels and across the board, and who provides updates as and when needed.
We ensure all of our team have carried out mandatory Equality & Diversity training, including our Patient Participation Group members who work with the practice at Flu/COVID clinics and patient events.
What you can do
We now actively record patients sexual orientation, transgender status and ask if their gender identity is the same as the gender they were given at birth, where provided, this is to help us, help you.
Did you know? To change your name on your medical records you can just let us know, we can also add a ‘known as’ name to your record if your prefer. We can also make a note to add a different pronoun which differs to that on your medical record if you wish.
There is a process on how to change your gender too, please contact us for full information and we will go through the process with you.
Please do get in touch if you have any feedback or suggestions on how we can help improve our services further.
Screening information
Should trans men have cervical screening tests?
Trans men and non-binary people who have had a total hysterectomy to remove their cervix do not need cervical screening.
Trans men and non-binary people who still have a cervix should have cervical screening to help prevent cervical cancer.
When trans men and non-binary people with a cervix will be invited for cervical screening:
If you’re a trans man, or non-binary and assigned female at birth, and you’re registered with your GP as female, you’ll receive invitations for cervical screening:
- every 3 years at ages 25 to 49
- every 5 years at ages 50 to 64
If you’re a trans man registered with a GP as male, you will not receive automatic invitations. You can and should still have cervical screening. You’ll need to ask your GP practice for an appointment.
If you’re a trans woman or non-binary person assigned male at birth, you do not need cervical screening as you do not have a cervix.
Lesbian and bisexual women may have higher rates of HPV (the virus which can cause cervical cancer) than straight women. It is important therefore that lesbian and bisexual women attend cervical screening when they are invited.
Cervical screening for transgender men
This video explains what to expect when undergoing cervical screening if you are a transgender man.
That means if you’re a trans man who has not had his cervix removed then you should have one too.
How to stop being invited for cervical screening
Contact your GP to ask to be taken off their cervical screening list if:
- you no longer have a cervix, but still receive invitations to screening
- you still have a cervix, but you do not want to be invited for screening
Further information
Click here for a leaflet by Public Health England regarding trans patients and NHS screening programmes.
Please watch this short video regarding a personal experience by a trans person have a cervical screening test : #cervicalscreeningsaveslives
As a practice we are here to help you access the right screening and healthcare for you as an individual. Please talk to us about any concerns you may have about your health or accessing the right services for you.
Support Groups and other useful links
Age UK groups and staying connected
There are lots of social groups out there, and some are specifically for older LGBT+ people.
Albert Kennedy Trust
The trust supports young LGBT people, between 16 and 25 years old. They can help with finding specialist LGBT mental health services.
Gendered Intelligence
The organisation works with the trans community, especially young people, and those who affect trans lives.
Imaan is a support group for LGBT Muslims, providing a safe space to share experiences, factsheets and links to relevant services.
LGBT Consortium
The consortium develops and supports LGBT groups and projects around the country. Use the site’s directory to find local mental health services.
LGBT Foundation
LGBT Foundation is a national charity delivering advice, support and information services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) communities.
LGBTQ+ terms
Helpful information on LGBTQ+ terms.
Get information about mental health support for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer or questioning.
NHS local sexual health services
Information on local sexual health services and support
NHS mental Health support
Mental health support information via the NHS.
NHS safe sex advice
For gay and bisexual men
NHS safe sex advice
For lesbian and bisexual women
Pink Therapy
Pink Therapy has an online directory of therapists who work with LGBTIQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and questioning), and gender- and sexual-diversity (GSD) clients.
Pride Sports
Working to make sure LGBT+ people are able to get into organised sport and have an enjoyable and rewarding experience within sport.
Sexual orientation advice
Advice on supporting a young person if they’ve come out, or are questioning their sexuality or sexual orientation.
Find LGBTQ jobs with inclusive employers.
Live through this
A charity who support and advocate for LGBTIQ+ people affected by cancer
Information from Macmillan for LGBTIQ+ people living with and affected by cancer
Support for LGBT+ people who have experienced abuse and violence.